Recovering Perfectionist

In a phone call with my mastermind sisters, I heard myself saying “There’s magic in the mess.” ⠀⠀⠀⠀

Is anyone else a recovering perfectionist? 🙋🏻‍♀️✨ I’ve been there for years! I thought this was a good-ish thing, but actually I held myself back because I was afraid if I didn’t have everything sorted neatly & perfectly then it wasn’t ready.

Understanding what perfectionism actually is - and the very personal way it sucks energy

After lots of trying other people’s way and wasted time (morning routines, books, powering through, and maaaaany false starts), I finally unlocked perfectionism’s sneaky hold on me.

  • Perfectionism is not about being perfect.

  • Perfectionism is not about caring about quality, or wanting to do a good job, or only doing your best.

  • Perfectionism is a highly personal energy-suck that disguises itself behind other qualities.

That is why it can hold you at reduced capacity for years. Perfectionism piggybacks on other traits, particularly conscientiousness (one of the Big 5 personality traits). Perfectionists tend to also be highly empathetic.

Once you understand what it is, what it isn’t, and its source, you will get so much energy back!

I want you to know — you do not need to have everything all figured out to move forward. I can help you to overcome perfectionism. Your gifts deserve to be shared with the world, this month. Not next month, next year, or some day, but starting now.⚡️ 💛

Have you struggled with perfectionism? And if so, do you relate to being conscientious and empathetic? Send a comment, I’d love to hear! To learn more about how 1-to-1 coaching can help, contact me or book a discovery call here.

Understanding perfectionism as a creative in business

Creative Chat Series - Pinterest & Living Abroad with @PinYourPassion


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